Ok, voy a contarles solo por que no tengo a nadie a quien contarle, y necesito un poco de venting.
So, fui a mi entrevista ahora, I totally aced it, made everyone fall in love with me, and I´ve got my secod interview tomorrow...
Isn´t that great???!!!! I know right?
Entonces por qué estoy preocupada?
Pues resuuuuulta, que el trabajo (que estoy casi segura que me lo van a dar, por que así funciona mi suerte) es hasta el principio de Septiembre.
You see there???
I am freaking out you guys...3 semanas pasaron volando, mande aproximadamente 5mil currículums a 5mil lugares, y no logré encontrar nada... I also have about 100 euros left, and I haven´t done my grocery shopping for next week yet...
If I could find a way to pay for my rent and school I would be set for August, tengo un babysitting job todo agosto que me va a pagar lo suficiente como para no morir de hambre, which is fantastic.
But I still need to cover school and board...It´s a total of 700 euros, and I´m set...
Mi papá me prestó esa cantidad el mes pasado para poder quedarme Julio mientras encontraba trabajo, creo que me mandaría una patada por correo si le pediría otravez...
So now, I am looking at my options... Pedir dinero prestado es la primera cosa que se me viene a la mente. The problem is that all of you guys are all artsy and stuff and have to go to comicon and things like that and I can well imagine borrowing from you is out of the question...
I can ask my grandma, but she´s a little old lady and I can imagine that she has better things to do with her money...I can ask my mom but I´m not sure she has any money... I can ask my aunts but I´m not sure that would be apropriate or if they have money... Or I can also ask santa claus...
And at the end of the day I have this little voice in my head that tells me, is it worth borrowing money and having debt just to stay in France and work at starbucks? My totally irresponsible self says HELL YES!!!! ITS FREAKING FRANCE BABY!!! YOU LOVE IT HERE!!!!
And my cuasi adult voice says, hhmmm maybe just go back where you can try and be responsible for yourself or at least eat free food at your parent´s house...
Do you see my dillema???
Oh God...why do I end up in situations like this...I feel like shizz....
Well, if any good samaritan decides to help me out I am totally good for the cash, as I have picked up and old client and he has to pay me around next month...
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