Monday, August 31, 2009


Mis Roomates (Señora y su hijo) me dejaron sola por una semana y media.
Saben lo que quiere decir estar absolutamente sola? YO SOLA???

No tengo que mantener apariencias...

Cuando vivo con alguien hago el intento de parecer normal...

Gracias a Dios que ya regresaron!!!

Ya estaba harta de comer ramen y me hace falta un baño...

* ah, perdón, el título del post se refiere a la acidez que de la nada me dio hoy...necesito frutas y verduras también...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Weird people make my day...

My freakometer had been fairly unused lately, since I don´t take public transport anymore I kinda miss out on meeting people who are not in school and such.

I have had small encounters with people on the streets asking me for skins or cigarrettes or money for beer and things like that, but that can happen to everyone.

Now, a few weeks ago I posted an add on the french equivalent to craigslist offering English classes to people for 17 euros a pop. Since the school year is about to start I have had a few answers and hopefully I have at least 2 students lined up for September.

But today I recieved on of the bad kinda calls.

You see, on the site it says that if you´ve got a picture up it will generate more traffic to your add (like craigs) so I put one up, and let me tell you, I am really photogenic sometimes...
So today this crazy guy who I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND called me up to tell me he wanted some classes, then he tells me he is single...then he asks me if I´m single, then he says your place or mine? Cuz I gotta big bathtub and a big bed, and you can take showers if you want, or cook for me....

Wait, what? I started to tell him, sir, I just do the english lessons, what is your english level? And he says, I don´t care, how much do you charge? So I say, 17 euros a pop FOR ENGLISH LESSONS!!! So he says, yeah yeah, I pay you, you come and take shower, yes? You come to my house now, ok? And I tried to say, no sir, no, and he just kept saying, yes! yes, come now...

So I gave him my fake email adress and hung up....

And he has called me 5 times since...

This was 6 minutes ago....

I think I´m taking my picture off...or putting one of Chuck Norris up instead....

Friday, August 21, 2009

I heart banking.

Ayer fui a abrir una cuenta de banco por que lo necesito para el trabajo.



My banker is one of the hottest guys I have ever seen, in like EVER, tan skin, green eyes...I can´t even think about him...

Oh my god...

Hasta le quiero tomar una foto o algo...jajajajjaa

I´m going to do a lota banking from now on...Whatever that means....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009





1. No tengo scanner y tomar fotos en la noche con luz artificial no es muy flattering para NADIE
2. Son little doodles, por ahí tengo mas niñas que pronto les tomaré fotos horribles también es un gremlin, originalmente era un puerquito, es de un dia que soñé algo relativo a eso...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Country boys...

Well, moving on.

Do we remember mister country boy I was crushing on just before I moved to the big city???
Well, two days ago he chatted me up on facebook, and he invited me to a party at his place (with place to sleep over if I needed it...cheeky country boy).

Well, we had never had an actual conversation excluding buzzed flirting at a couple of party things.
And he was really cute, he had lived in England for a while so he has the best french british accent and that just too much to handle, can you imagine?

So, the only thing I knew about him was that he was a french country boy, he liked beer (a lot) he liked football (loves liverpool, hates manchester united) and he always wore this little hat (I decided, after the tamagochi episodes* that I HATE HATS), and that he was cuuuuuuuuteeee and he had a really nice smile.

Ok, so he chats me up on facebook, usuall hellos, what have you been up to, etc. invites me to the party bla bla bla.

So I think, ok, lets make conversation, maybe it turns out he is the most interesting man on earth and I must have his babies!

Me: So, are you going back to school soon?
Him: Oh no, I don´t study baby*
Me: Did you finish? Or you just don´t do it at all
Him: Yeah, I don´t do it.
Me: Oh, ok, so do you work?
Him: I´m on holidays.
Me: Since when???
Him: Ha ha ha.
Me: Are you just one of those lucky people that have doctor dads and don´t do anything all day?
Him: Pretty did you know my dad´s a doctor?
Me: Ha, lucky guess...

I then proceeded to ask him about his hobbies, which I found out, are drinking, watching football and drinking while watching football...

Why did I think men were more interesting in Europe??? I´m going back to Mx, at least the boys I know have guitar heroe and or skills.

*Did I tell you about the tamagochi series of events???? Oooh, that will be the story of the year (for you, because for me it happened last year)

*I also despise being called baby when it doesn´t seem it´s for fun

Ups and downs.

Have any of you ever felt very very strongly about a person. Like your insides want to go outside when you see them, and you can hardly breathe and you just want to touch them and stare into their eyes forever and ever? And you just keep feeling this feeling for a long time, and you feel like it´s never ever going to go away and if they where ever to leave you, or like, get a girlfriend or not like you back then you would surely die of sadness???

I have felt this people.

And you know what?

It gives me great pleasure to announce that it´s not true.

This week, as I was accounting for the years and years of my life that I have wasted thinking about dumb boys I discovered that! Maybe I have liked a boy this way about 5 times in my life, meh, make it 4...make it 3...but like, really bad...

And when 2 of these cases came to an end, well, I just thought I would die. I hid in my bedroom for weeks, I ate a lot of ice cream, drank some wine, ignored my friends, eventually met up with my friends to talk badly about the basterts, had my revenge, and just carried on like a crazy person with no life.

And for a long time after that I felt better, but in the back of my mind were these guys I would never get rid of, and I would always be a little sad about them...And bla bla bla, I´m very tortured.

But, I was thinking about that and I just realized that none of that is true. You actually DO get over these people!!! You think you don´t, but as soon as you turn your back for a couple of days, POOF! Gone, and you can start thinking of them as normal people who just suck, and you get on with your-now more boring- life!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Music Corner- I think I´m late for this

I am madly in love with Patrick Wolf desde que baje ilegalmente su disco "The magic position".

The album is pretty freaking amazing.

I think you should give it a listen.

He looks like David Bowie and he sounds like a love child between Kate Bush and like....Jarvis Cocker...And on his last album he got freaking Tilda Swinton to do a cool is that?

Watch this video then:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Resulta que...

Los franceses, language maniacs, también tienen la cyber generación que habla como si tuviera cerebral palsy:

soir tit oxxo pr lanniv a ma tite claudie... et en mm tp pr voir mon ti dj preferer kiss avs tous jespere ke mes geunille vont se ramener kiss je vous aimes

I mean, I know that most of you might not speak french,´s just...espantoso...even for me...the person that has a 1st grade french level.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

My life is average

Today, while I was rolling around on my bed in my Pj´s I realized I was actually rolling around.

In 25 years this is the first time I have an adult sized matress.

So then I started jumping on it.

Saturday, August 08, 2009


Me estan saliendo las muelas del jucio...

Si, tengo 25 y que...I was always a late bloomer!!!

Y pues nada...estoy en constant pain and suffering, I just thought you should know that.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Julia Child

Quien no veía las repeticiones de Julia Child en KPBS, o solo era yo por que mi papa no me dejaba cambiarle jamas nunca al canal de la tele?

Cuando vi que estaban haciendo la pelicula de esta MEGA SEÑORONA ENORME RIFANTE CONQUISTADORA DE LOS FRANCESES Dije Mais OUI! A Huevo!

Vi el trailer, y bueno, YO voy a ir a verla si sale en el cine antes de que salga en internet, neta neta....

Julia Child es una inspiración para todos nosotros.

I´m talking to you

Mandame un mensaje por stumble if you know who you are

Si fuera ahorita, iriamos al AMPM, Tu comprarías una hamburguesa, sencilla o doble, depende del estado de animo, ok

Yo compraría lo mismo que tu, y papas y dulces, o chocolates...una cocacola....

Llegaríamos a mi casa y platicaríamos toda la noche, hasta saldríamos a caminar entre el paisaje de mi casa...

No podría vivir sin ti.

Ahorita te extraño como extrañarìa la securité social si me regresara a México, osea, MUCHO

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Habia estado posponiendo el momento de decirles...

Tengo una super mala noticia desde hace mucho, y como que no lo había dicho en voz alta por que todavía tenía esperanzas de que regresara...

Nestor es morir...*

Bueno, en realidad no sé si está muerto o no, solo el pensarlo me da ganitas de llorar. Pero hace unos dos meses Nestor se fué de explorador y nunca regresó...

Es una de las peores cosas que han pasado este año, definitivamente, algo raro, y bueno que pasó fue que antes de irse, Nestor tenía una novia muy guapa, y esa novia tuvo bebes, y pues, ahora en mi casa hay Nana, que es la hija heredera del trono de Nestor...

Claro que todavía no la conozco ni he jugado con ella como lo hacía con mi pestor hermoso, y pues, en realidad nada nunca va a poder reemplazarlo. A travez de los años me acostumbré de alguna manera a perder y ganar mascotas, derrepente teníamos un perro por un año y se iba y nunca regresaba (la maldición de vivir a lado de la carretera), igualmente llegaban algunos perros feos, madreadísimos y con una historia triste y difícil que de hecho son los que se han quedado más tiempo con nosotros...Y siempre se iban y llegaban a pocos dias de separación, como una especie de consolación de Dios...

Pero pues, Nestor fué bastante especial para todos en la casa creo, duramos casi dos años con el, que bueno, no es mucho pero con pesty solo necesitabas dos segundos de mirarle a los ojos tristes para enamorarte...

I will miss you my little sausage...

*La frase viene de la combinación de la primera vez que se murió un perro y le tocó a Mili (Xochitl), al mismo tiempo estaba aprendiendo inglés, creo que tenía unos tres o cuatro años, y pues obvio, dijo, Oh Diana, Xochitl es morir, con perfecto acento inglés...

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Needy Bitch...

We can never have ALL we want in life, at least not at the same time....
At least not me, maybe that´s what I mean.

We might live in a lovely place, but have no money to buy food other than instant shit.
We might have money, but live in a place that makes us constantly wonder if the grass is greener elsewhere.
We might have sex, but like hate sex, where you don´t even like the person who is giving it to you.
Or we might have love, but no sex, or kisses or somebody to stroke the hair out of your face (I think I mean me again, as I have this tendency to fall in love with people I can´t even talk to)

We might have cheese but no bread, and we all know that´s no good.
Or wine and no thingy to open it, or no friends to share it with (but hell, more for me, ignore that last one)

Right now I feel I should be thankful, I live in a lovely place, with lovely people that talk to me at the end of the day, and they sometimes share their cheese and bread with me, I have a lot of love in my heart, I have friends and family to give it to.

I have no sex, but sometimes that just screws things up, so I should be thankful. The person that my head keeps thinking I love is 14 hours away by plane, so I have an excuse for not being able to talk to him (although maybe a normal, secure person would have sent him an email).

I have school to keep me occupied, french to keep my head spinning, hundreds of years of history and places and customs and books and food to discover.

But sometimes, when I am alone in my gorgeous apartment I can´t help thinking about the other things I want (because me, I always want more).

And sometimes, like today, I suprise myself in discovering that I only want some new toothpaste, a pedicure, some chocolate, my acrylics and some paper that will not enrage me (because the one I have right now just sucks).

I am a simple, simple girl.

Pour Quoi?

Pourquoi, l'heureuse enfant, veux-tu voir notre France,
Ce pays trop peuplé que fauche la souffrance,
Et, confiant ta vie aux bras forts des marins,
Faire de grands adieux à tes chers tamarins ?
-C. Baudelaire

Pour Quoi?
Parce que, monsieur...

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Clumsy people.

Cuando tenía 11 años estaba jugando con mis primos y hermanos a subir corriendo una resbaladilla. Me caí varias veces, pero la última vez que me caí me pegué con la orilla de la resbaladilla encajada en el chiclocentro de mi rodilla, ahí donde los doctores prueban tus reflejos.
Desde entonces perdí todo sentimiento en esa regíon de mi pierna.

Un poco mas tarde me estrellé full body contra una puerta de vidrio, mi otra pierna quedó un poco masacrada.

Cuando tenía 8 años mi hermano y yo decidimos jugar espaditas con agujas de tejer, todavía recuerdo como se veian esas 4 pulgadas de aguja encajada en mi brazo.

Mi desgarré tendones y ligamentos del pie jugando power rangers.

Me abrí la boca brincando de las pacas de vaca de casi dos pisos de altura.

Me caía de los arboles la mitad del tiempo que los escalaba.

We started fires.

Cuando tenía 3 años amaba a todos los animales del mundo, incluyendo los perros de la calle, eventualmente me dio roña.

Me descalabré con los pedales de la bicicleta somehow.

Uno de mis accidentes mas comunes es bajar las escaleras de nalgas

Comía todas las plantas de la naturaleza jugando a la cocinita.

Recientemente estuve a punto de cortarme un nervio del dedo meñique, nunca ha sido el mismo desde entonces.

Me rasco los piquetes de mosquito sin miedo.

En este momento tengo ocho moretones.

Ni siquera puedo contar cuantas veces me corté en la universidad...el diseño gráfico es peligroso.

Obviamente tengo pavor de usar power tools, no confiaría en mi misma.

De entre mis amigos creo que soy la única a quien le ocurren este tipo de cosas.

Debo de ser adulta!