Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ups and downs.

Have any of you ever felt very very strongly about a person. Like your insides want to go outside when you see them, and you can hardly breathe and you just want to touch them and stare into their eyes forever and ever? And you just keep feeling this feeling for a long time, and you feel like it´s never ever going to go away and if they where ever to leave you, or like, get a girlfriend or not like you back then you would surely die of sadness???

I have felt this people.

And you know what?

It gives me great pleasure to announce that it´s not true.

This week, as I was accounting for the years and years of my life that I have wasted thinking about dumb boys I discovered that! Maybe I have liked a boy this way about 5 times in my life, meh, make it 4...make it 3...but like, really bad...

And when 2 of these cases came to an end, well, I just thought I would die. I hid in my bedroom for weeks, I ate a lot of ice cream, drank some wine, ignored my friends, eventually met up with my friends to talk badly about the basterts, had my revenge, and just carried on like a crazy person with no life.

And for a long time after that I felt better, but in the back of my mind were these guys I would never get rid of, and I would always be a little sad about them...And bla bla bla, I´m very tortured.

But, I was thinking about that and I just realized that none of that is true. You actually DO get over these people!!! You think you don´t, but as soon as you turn your back for a couple of days, POOF! Gone, and you can start thinking of them as normal people who just suck, and you get on with your-now more boring- life!!!


bobo bear said...

basterts jajaja
bola de losers

kikxcampoix said...

I soooooooooooooooo totaly feel you, hahahaha sad but true, you go on with youre now bouring life... :P