Monday, April 06, 2009

Chicken shit...

If I had real girl balls.

You know what I would do?

I would write an email that would say:

Hey there.
You probably think this is totally random and dumb.
And it actually is a bit.
Maybe it means something to you.

Maybe it makes you feel nice.
Or maybe you just get creeped out.

(hope not)
But I dig you.
I just think you´re awesome.
And you´re hot.
And you´re a nerd (but I think it´s hot)

Have a nice day.

...There...just had to get that out of my system...


Hilda Vanessa Ramos said...

do it!
do it!
do it!

and it's sYstem ;)

Miss Jim said...

Ack! SYstem!!! Ok, ni por que tengo spell check, oh well...

Bueno pero no, no puedo decirle a ese bato que lo amo...Me da miedito...

Michelle Rubio said...

i did something similar and it backfired.D:

Miss Jim said...

Aja! That´s why I write it in my blog which he will NEVER read...

Super chicken...